Tag Archives: Silence

Trailer Breakdown for The Time of the Doctor

18 Dec

Today, it is one week until Christmas.

Today, a Doctor Who Christmas special trailer was released.

What better way to celebrate the holiday season than with a bit of analysis, joy, and slight bitter grieving?

*Christmas music begins*
dw_1“Hello, the TARDIS!”

Is that snow? Is it finally safe to infer that that is actual confirmed snow and not an evil monster or ash from a burning spaceship?

I’m going to say yes.dw_3

While I’m making safe assumptions, I’m also going to go ahead and assume that this is from another planet, because, what?dw_4

“Hello the Oswalds!dw_5

Merry Christmas!”

Looking for reasons to add this episode to your Christmas-TV watch list? How about that is is starring this golden face by Possibly-Clara’s-Dad (or Possibly-Someone-Else)?

If this is after the scene shown in the BBC Christmas teaser where Clara introduces the lovely Eleven as her boyfriend, then I think I can understand the expression. dw_6

I had one quite like it on myself.dw_7

“I hope you made a wish.”

Thank you adorable grandmother, for saying the presumably important, foreshadowy thing that would have sounded even weirder if it came from anyone else.dw_8

Is it just me, or do their expressions sum up their relationship?dw_9

“Is that a new body?”

Only on Doctor Who.

^The above comment applies to both the question and the eyeliner choice^


“This old thing, please, I’ve been rocking it for centuries.”

Hahaha, oh Doctor, how cute. What could ruin this happy moment?dw_13





In this shot we hear Clara, showing off her Amy Pond:

“What are you? Why do I keep forgetting you?”

Oh, honey.

By the way, that shot shows an awful lot of swagger for a man with some of his greatest enemies strolling behind him. I shan’t get my hopes up, but if that’s the Cyber-Planner back from the dead, I will forgive the BBC for everything they’ve ever done to me.dw_18

“The Time Lord has entered the trap.”

“If you’re smart, if you have any plans about seeing tomorrow, there’s one thing you never, ever put in a trap.”dw_19

“You will die in silence, Doctor!”

What, again? wait

Are you telling me that this episode is still running on fuel it got from season five?

*slow clap*

“Clara, step away from it!”

Really, really good advice, usually. Shall we see if Clara takes it?dw_21

Surprise, surprise.


Oh please, now I have to be scared of Weeping-Angels-hidden-in-the-snow? Am I not already afraid of weeping angels, snow-that’s-probably-ash, and snowmen separately? This is starting to seem a little extreme.dw_23

::Gratuitous TARDIS action shot:: dw_25

“Everything ends, Clara. Sooner than you think.”

Or else nothing would ever get started? Still, it’s Christmastime. What happened to that “happy crying” we had a couple years back?


Aaaand there’s your answer. Curse you Silence[exceptnotreallybecauseImissedyou].dw_27

New screwdriver? Timey-wimey thing? A machine that goes ‘ding’?


How about a totally out-of-context toy dog? Yeah, BBC knows what you want.dw_29

Clara: “Change the future.”

Doctor: “I can’t.”

Clara, you’re not going not let him off that easy, are you?

*Audible gasps heard around the world*dw_31

YES. Yes, please. You have no idea how long I’ve waited for a proper explanation and backstory for this scene from season six. Unless your idea is “since season six,” in which case, yeah, you got it. That wasn’t a very hard guessing game.dw_32

Yeah, Oncoming Storm, you go. You assemble a cabinet at them. dw_33

“The Time War will begin anew.

What, um NO that is SO not Emma Approved.dw_34

Run, you clever girl. And isn’t it time the Doctor said that? If he says it in this episode, I will be requiring a high-five. And probably tissues, but let’s not get into that quite yet.dw_35

The siege of Trenzalore is now begun.

*Manages to growl and cry simultaneously*


Oh, Daleks exploding, good. That’s something I can get behind.dw_38

This world will burn.”dw_39

#Judging You

“GURL. You need to burn that makeup.”

I can’t get over how well-done this episode looks. By the by, have you ever felt a sort of overwhelming dread and denial accompanied by unbounded enthusiasm and excitement?

… I’m, um, asking for a friend.